Posts Tagged ‘serna’

Not enough Baldy!

August 7, 2010

Made another trek out with skate the familia Ozzie, Mike Serna Jr., and Kevin Burke. Hands down my favorite hole to skate. Its amazing how good this place is, and its hammered! I can’t get over how good this and pools are to skate, it’s unbelievable they weren’t made for skating. When I skate baldy or some backyard gems, I just wonder why skateparks can’t be this good. Baldy is some of the harshest terrain there is; holes, bumps, rocky pitted bottom- and pools are lumpy as hell! If skateparks were built to these standards plenty would throw a fit! DIY parks excluded from this rant!

When big heads get involved, skateparks get boring! The hell with all the contests. I’m stoked those guys get money, but its not what skateboarding is about! I’m not watching!  We did it up right as we do!